Sunday, March 27, 2011


I don't allow comments on my other blog  Its not because I think that the comments are in any way inferior but they challenge my natural order of things. Some of the individuals leaving comments are morally suspect. I am worried that loyal readers of my blog will follow the links back to their blogs and be exposed to:

  • salacious, prurient, deviant and even pornographic images. One of them actually puts on images of semi-naked women.
  • blasphemous ideology and irreligious images. One has actually suggested that dedicated brothers in the faith made lewd advances to him when he was a schoolboy.
  • Provocative and dangerous opinions in regard to the proper place of women in society. One has, with the support of others leaving comments, advocated the use of alcohol to seduce a man and the general indulgence in pre-marital relations.
If you must leave comments feel free to leave your filth here so others can witness your depravity. My other blog however will remain pure and unsullied and will carry God's message to true believers.


  1. "The Pope takes a dump"

    is how Richard of RBB catelogued my second blog. My, how revealing.
    Next I suppose The Twisted Scotsman or Curmudgin will join in on 'dumping' on me.

  2. That guy Al, and his bigger brother All must have been right bastards. They are forever demanding forgiveness.
