One of the skills that I learned when I was a young
gir lad was listening. In fact we were encouraged to actively listen and to be observant of the people around us who impacted on our daily lives. Having been drawn into this blogging community by Robert, my Catholic buddy (not a Drive-in Saturday acquaintance ) but more of a Sunday 'shake - the hand- of - the - person - next - to - you kind of relationship, I cannot help myself learning a bit about you all.
The big bus guy who purports to direct all communication was an obvious first choice for intensive observation so I headed North and located him in Nuova Lazio. His work/home ratio was a bit weird and I suspected him of leading some sort of double life ( an affair, a member of Lions or Rotary) but it turned out that he was a schoolteacher - enough said.

I set up listening equipment (physical observation was proving difficult as it was just so fucking boring that I kept falling asleep) which I monitored from a distance of about 10 km and recorded. I had to replace my recording equipment twice as I thought that it was defective. Quite often there was a bizarre droning sound overriding the various conversations, rumbling noises, mumbling and screeches that seemed to make up the normal sounds emanating from his residence. Having ascertained that this was a natural occurrence/ hazard peculiar to the residence I learned to edit this out. amongst the thousands of hours of recordings that I have made I have this transcript that I wish to share with you hoping that you might enlighten me as to its relevance.
Place : Nuava Lazio
Date : 4 April 2011
Time : 18.48
Shelley: Richard, stop that noise, tea is on the table.
Richard: Mabel? I don't know anyone called Mabel. Tell her I'm busy.
Shelley: Hurry up. If you don't come now it will get cold.
Richard: Old? Hey Shelley, love of my life, there's still life in me yet or are you talking about 'Gloria'?
Shelley: The peas are hardening and I already don't like the look of that gravy.
Richard: Navy? I prefer black, I thought that you would know that by now.
Shelley: (
under her breath - For Fuck's sake!
). Do you want a glass of wine?
Richard: Yes please. Chardonnay.