The big bus guy who purports to direct all communication was an obvious first choice for intensive observation so I headed North and located him in Nuova Lazio. His work/home ratio was a bit weird and I suspected him of leading some sort of double life ( an affair, a member of Lions or Rotary) but it turned out that he was a schoolteacher - enough said.
I set up listening equipment (physical observation was proving difficult as it was just so fucking boring that I kept falling asleep) which I monitored from a distance of about 10 km and recorded. I had to replace my recording equipment twice as I thought that it was defective. Quite often there was a bizarre droning sound overriding the various conversations, rumbling noises, mumbling and screeches that seemed to make up the normal sounds emanating from his residence. Having ascertained that this was a natural occurrence/ hazard peculiar to the residence I learned to edit this out. amongst the thousands of hours of recordings that I have made I have this transcript that I wish to share with you hoping that you might enlighten me as to its relevance.
Place : Nuava Lazio
Date : 4 April 2011
Time : 18.48
Shelley: Richard, stop that noise, tea is on the table.
Richard: Mabel? I don't know anyone called Mabel. Tell her I'm busy.
Shelley: Hurry up. If you don't come now it will get cold.
Richard: Old? Hey Shelley, love of my life, there's still life in me yet or are you talking about 'Gloria'?
Shelley: The peas are hardening and I already don't like the look of that gravy.
Richard: Navy? I prefer black, I thought that you would know that by now.
Shelley: (under her breath - For Fuck's sake!). Do you want a glass of wine?
Richard: Yes please. Chardonnay.
I don't believe you actually wrote this at 3.11am! I think you don't know how to set the time on your blog.