Friday, September 5, 2014


I've been living quietly for some time in my chosen country, keeping a low profile (well I am quite short) and enjoying the relatively non-political climate that exists here.
Day to day life is not political. I can shop, play, work and perve on observe my neighbours without peril.

All has been good.

In the past it hasn't really mattered which ruling party has gotten into power as basically they've had the interests of the country at heart.

 Sure, in the past National stood for the landed aristocracy and well heeled professional classes

and Labour for the working man.

This changed in the 1980's, interestingly under two Labour governments who blurred the distinctions between 'the working man' and the new entrepreneurs who mostly turned out to be absolute dishonest asset stripping bastards. Even the so called good guys like Graeme Hart have made far too much money that has to have come from the pockets of deserving millions of Kiwis (note how the bloody media this week fawned all over this bum because he's bought a 75 million dollar bloody boat - and didn't even spend that in NZ).

Now, in 2014 the field has changed and definitely not for the better.

True Blue National with the vested interests of landed aristocracy, new plutocrats and still the well heeled business classes have had their ranks swelled by the traditional Labour voter who has become wealthy through an overheated property market.

Unfortunately the Labour ranks have been diminished through defection and the vote split by the advancement of a whole lot of whining and scrapping minority parties who simply would not have existed prior to the introduction of the ridiculous MMP.

Basically the country is on the brink of disaster.

I've seen it before in a previous lifetime.

Overriding of the people's will because 'the people' have split themselves.
Look at National's record recently. A couple of examples are total disregard of the majority's opinion on asset sales and alcohol regulation reform.

Result. Fascism.

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